Not as described

Verified Post by Wretha Smith
Published on 29 Sep, 2024

2024 Five Generations of Joint Dolls Medieval Infantry Heavy Soldier Realistic Joint Activities Can Be Arbitrarily Postponed Hand Made Ornaments
Price: $-0.01
My Rating
Avg. Rating
2.00 / 5   (1 Reviews)

For the record, this was not free, it claimed to be free but it ended up not being free, I'm ok with the price I paid, I just wish the sellers were more attentive to how the prices fall.

Next, it took nearly a month to arrive.

When it did arrive, it was in a soft plastic bag and everything in it sounded like a broken mess.

Now to the fun part, let me tell you what I THOUGHT I was getting, I expected a figure with moveable parts, a doll with exchangeable hands and heads, which is how it's described, no where in any part of the description does it say that this comes in pieces that has to be assembled. If you are as old as I am, you will remember the car kits that came in pieces on a plastic frame, the individual pieces had to be snapped apart and assembled. That's what this was, pieces.

In reference to the "broken mess" sound inside of the bag, with the exception of maybe 4 or 5 pieces, ALL the rest of the pieces were not attached to the frames, they had all been broken off in transit, and were floating around loose inside of a plastic bag. 

I poured everything out and started to organize the pieces, these were not labeled in any way (though they had been labeled on the frame but since they were no longer attached to the frame, it was a guessing game). I finally got all of the pieces organized, I started to put the figure together, then quickly gave up. I called my grown son to work on it, it took him nearly an hour. The figure was great, I have no problem with the figure, my issue is the fact that there is NOTHING that indicates that this comes in pieces that has to be assembled. If you are expecting to receive a doll with changeable hands and head, you will be sorely disappointed. 

Looking at the description, it does reference "hand made", perhaps that is their attempt at saying you have to assemble it yourself, that is certainly not how it appears, the images on the listing shows the fully assembled doll, one of the images in the bottom corner shows a tiny part of the frame with the pieces, it's so small and insignificant that it doesn't really indicate that you will be building this yourself. I can't imagine handing this to a kid or an older adult. 

Please, seller, change your description to reflect the fact that you will be assembling very tiny complex pieces. AND ship this in a box so that it arrives intact.

I was going to give this 1 star, and I want to give this 1 star, but since my hubby is satisfied with the assembled doll, I bumped it up to 2 stars. 

Price: $-0.01



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