These wood spurtles are the perfect solution to the plastic cooking utensil. Why? Do you ask. Well here is why , The Moliy spurtle set is made of beech wood. The surface is kept glossy with food-grade mineral oil, safe and no odor. With my old plastic utensils I had to be careful when cooking as the plactic at time when stiring the food in the pan or bolier, you had to worry about it melting into the food. and if not in the food it would shange shape from the heat, It is recommended that you coat the spurtal with oil a few times and before your use. It is also NOT reccomeneded thsat you wash them in a dishwasher. As with anything of the wood nature it is best to hand wash and wipe with a cloth and all to air dry. These are nice, but I guess I am a creature of nature as I have a hard time with some of my food when I use these and do revert back to a few regular items. But I am getting the hang of them.
i #RankBoosterReview ii #Sponsered iii #Moliy