I used to go get my nails done all the time, but to save money have been doing them from home. But I don't do them as much as I would like simply because it takes so long for them to dry. I get nothing done while I sit and baby my nails and do everything possible not to touch them or mess them up, which is hard to do in an active family of five with pets. I have seen these nail curing lamps and have wondered if they are only for gel polish, so finally took the time to ask a seller if it would work on regular nail polish, too. The response was yes, so I picked one up. This is a lightweight light and easy to use. Simply plug it in and it is on. You can adjust your settings from the top and all you have to do is slide your hand (or foot) under it and the light comes on. It looks just like the lights you see at the nail salons but in mini-form for personal use. From the reviews on Amazon it seems to dry gel nail polish super fast - usually less than 120 seconds. But I don't do gel, generally, so it does take longer to dry regular nail polish. I do want to say it DOES dry it faster, though, than letting things air dry. It is still not as fast as I would like it to be, but it is better than nothing. I like the fact that you can leave you hand (or foot) under it and you don't have to worry about it heating up and making your hand warm. I felt no heat from it at all, unlike the ones I have used in the salons in the past. Since I am not using gel polish, it doesn't last as long as the other, but I don't get as much life out of my polish regardless of whether getting gel polish at the salon or diy polish at home. I am always working on things and dunking my hands in water, so my polish gets messed up fairly quickly, which is why I have to do it so often. I think with this nail lamp I may be able to do my nails more often. I may even attempt to do some gel polish on my own from home and see if that makes it easier for me to do my nails and keep them done longer without looking like they are cheap and I don't take care of myself because they are chipped.

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