I wanted this to put next to my bed to match the furniture. It looks like a small box. without any batteries you wouldnt know what it is. This taked 3 AAA battieries but what I found that I did like was that you can use a usb port also. It comes with it to hook up. You will need to be the plug part but most of us these days have that. I like the small ness of it dut to traveling and weight restrictions these days. still working on programing but I also have problems with programing everything. . But nice little clock box seems like it with hold the airlines etc. would recommend it to anyone who is savy with programming. This is also nice to have to tell the tempature of the room you are in.
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B076P8QDWQ/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 #RankBoosterReview #discounted #IXAER #digitalalarmdateandtempclock