I love this pillow and honestly I never thought this could be any better that regular pillow but Boy was I wrong! It has been the best thing with my hip and pelvic pain I could ever ask for. This is small, cushy and way comfortable that regular pillow. It allows me to switch sides without having to move or prop pillow again. This is my first knee pillow and I have nothing to compare it with but it has been helping me with my issue so far and I love it. I might have to get bigger one later but for now it's perfect.
This is my 3rd pregnancy I am 19 w now and I am one of the unlucky pregnant women who suffers from Symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) - misalignment of pelvis. To be short further in pregnancy it gets unbearable to walk, sit, sleep from the pelvic pain. With second pregnancy I basically diagnosed myself with SPD googling what other pregnant women had to say about my symptoms and to my surprise there were a lot like me suffering in silence and not being taken seriously. I was basically called a whimp and rediculed when I mentioned my pains to OB. Believe me I am not a whimp I don't take pain meds unless I am in tremendous pain and I wouldn't take pain med or any med unless I absolutely have to because of the fear that it might harm my baby. OB sent me to do numerous ultrasound for blood circulation, blockage and venous insufficiency and all came out normal as I expected. Then he diagnosed me with sciatic pain. Wrong guess doc! I am a nurse and know a little something about human anatomy myself and that pain is way off where sciatic nerve would hurt and I have had that before so it not the same. Then finally he agreed with SPD when I was literally 39 w pregnant and I couldn't walk or sleep and cried from pain so he induced me 2 days before I was due. What a joke! So at 39 w he tells me there is nothing that can be done with SPD and I would have to toughen up and take pain meds. Chiropractic offices wouldn't accept pregnant woman for pelvic alignment and some haven't even heard of SPD.
With my previous pregnancy I learned do's and don'ts and how to avoid triggers of pelvic pain but with the 3 yo kid at home I couldn't indulge myself to relax and take it easy. These are the things that I noted worked and helped me. Also I have vitamin D deficiency and I strongly believe that might be the cause of SPD. Sleeping, laying or sitting on soft cushy surface only. Few min on hard surface was enough to trigger the pain, especially if I was to lay on the couch oh boy!
Being on my feet for too long, bending over for too long to do house chores, pushing anything with my foot, anything that made my body and hips go out of alignment. Sorting laundry, vacuuming and picking up toys from the floor was a big trigger. Walking for more than 30 min was a no no. I bought 4 inch memory foam mattress on top on my 13 inch mattress for extra cushiness. Got 2 memory foam pillows for my bottom, one for the car and another to take along when going out or visiting family. Surrounded myself with body pillows to prop all around. Trust me it's better see people's funny look than suffer later from pain.
This pillow is worth trying. Everybodys preferences and personal comfort level is different so I can't tell whether this is the right one for you but you won't know until you try it. And if this is not it dont give up and try another one but don't keep suffering and be in pain.