We are starting our homeschool year in a couple of weeks so I am starting to organize our room and supplies. I purchased this set of 7 cardboard magazine holders to use to store magazines, paper and curriculum workbooks. The holders are plain brown cardboard and each holder comes with an adhesive label sticker. The holders can be left as is for a simple look or can be personalized with markers, paints, stickers or shelf liner paper to customize the look to fit your décor.
I plan to let my daughter decorate them as an art project and use them during the school year. The cardboard is about 1/16th of an inch in thickness and the holder is about 10 ½ inches tall and about 3 ½ inches wide. The package did not include any instructions on how to assemble the holders but I went back to my purchase history and looked at the photos on the product description to figure it out. These would be ok to use for lightweight papers and books,