I did like how well it was assembled, and the rotating and multiple connection was nice, but the first thing I was interested in was it's read/write performance. I ran DiskMark on it, and found its read speeds were an abysmal 80 Mbps (megaBITs per seond), equal to 10MBps (megaBYTES per second). Not only is this astonishingly below the USB 3.0 standard, it is below the advertized 80megaBYTE per second rate. This measured rate means it would take 3.5 HOURS to read the contents of the drive. Also, the WRITE performance was even worse, 0.1Mbps. This means it would take *118 DAYS* of writing to fill the entire drive. Maybe I am doing something wrong, but with what I've seen, I cannot recommend this. #RankBoosterReview #Sponsored #CFTech