The boys have a campout every month, so we have had our fair share of packs we have tried out and continue to use. A friend from Cub Scouts recently bridged in to Boy Scouts, joining the same Troop my boys are in. She contacted me asking for recommendations for backpacks for his first campout with the Troop and I told her I would take care of it for her. I got this pack for them and they are so thankful for my knowledge from our previous trials with other packs.
It has tons of straps and pockets, just like any good pack would. It has the waist strap that is padded, allowing him to buckle it around his waist to help distribute weight evenly and keep it from shifting while he hikes his gear in from the trailer and up to their campsite. It has a side pocket that he can put a water bottle in to, as well as side pouches that zipper shut and helps make the smaller things easier to find.
I was very impressed by the zippers and pulls on this pack. They are large and solidly made. You don't have to worry about them breaking while you are out and about with this pack. I have had a few packs so far that have had cheap pulls on them that break within the first few uses, so I was pleased to see larger pulls that are made of metal and are solid.
I think this is going to be a great backpack for my friend's son. I do not think it would make a good hiking backpack, though. It does have a large enough back pocket inside to put a hydration bladder, but no loops to hang it from and no hole to thread the spout through. For anyone who is hiking and carrying their pack on their back the whole time, this doesn't afford you the convenience of packing your water like that.
Overall I am seeing this as a great pack and one that will be used every month by my friend's son. He is very pleased with it and eager for the next campout!
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