Cat seems to love it

Verified Post by Jessica Mizzell
Published on 09 Mar, 2018

Cat Toys Interactive Feather Teaser Wand Toy Set with 5 Refills Feathers Bird Catcher for Cats & Kitten
Price: $12.99
My Rating
Avg. Rating
4.87 / 5   (23 Reviews)

I can't say this is perfect to but it is a pretty neat gift for a cat. My cat really enjoys having it dangle in front of her. My only issue is that the string came off very easily and I ended up having to tie the string part around the tip of the rod and tape I up. A 4 year and 2 year want what they want right there so I just had to improvise. But overall I'm satisfied and the kitty is loving her new toy. I would suggest it to anyone.


Price: $12.99



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