This phone sterilizer by #Royace is perfect for sterlizig cellphones, jewelry, keys and more. I love how it takes only a few minutes to make these items and more over 99.9% germ free. In this time of the coronavirus and myself being a high risk patient (I have COPD, Asthma and have Hashimoto's Disease which is an immunity illness) I need to be extremely cautious. This is one great way to ensure that I'm doing everything I and my family can to sanitize things that are very germy to begin with. Keys and cellphones are full of germs and if I can safely sanitize my cellphone then I think the $39.99 pricetag is more than worth it to keep my family safe. You can even sterilize your toothbrush which is probably one of the most germy items one can own. This is a perfect gift for anyone at anytime who is in contact w/ anyone at high risk of contacting the coronavirus or getting it themself. With so many people being asymptomatic this is just one more step in addition to washing one's hands and using sanitizer to keep us healthy and should be taught to be used when entering the home. Makes a great gift and is a definitely must have for anyone at risk.