I hate cleaning in general. It seems as soon as I am done and the room is nice and tidy, the kids go in and destroy it in a matter of seconds. What's worse is cleaning out kitchen and junk drawers. You wouldn't think that dirt can get in the cracks of a drawer but it does. Having to take everything out just to get the small pieces is tiring and sometimes just not worth it. Eventually, I will break down and do it. This universal vacuum attachment is pure genius! I do not have to take everything out of the drawer just to get the dirt thats inside. These small straws suck up all the tiny dirt and dust and leaves all the larger objects behind. Its amazing because it has several sizes to attach from so there is no fuss about finding the right one that will fit your vacuum. I was even able to use this in my computer case and it was completely safe. I love that it gets in the cracks of my keyboard too. Any food or dust comes right off without pulling my keys out. I am so happy that I found this from Edwid. Its the best invention ever and every house should have one!
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