When I was in high school I got in the habit of carrying a small stapler in my backpack with my school supplies. I preferred having my own tools like stapler, sharpener, and hole punch, so had all of these things with me at all times. Now that my kids are getting in to junior high and about to start high school, I decided it was time to grab a few extras for them to have in the house in case they wanted to do the same. And I figured it not, at least I have them to keep in my bag for when I do have Scouting events or church things that I may need some extra supplies for. I hate having to carry the larger stapler with me, but have kept an extra in the plastic boxes and bags I use for my resources.
The package is small and compact, being just a carboard backing and plastic front, but is branded well. It is cute, to say the least. In the package you get the panda shaped stapler and a small box of staples that fit. Don't think you can pick up a mini stapler and use standard sized staples. They don't fit and you won't have anything to use if you lose or forget your mini staples. I also recommend putting the little box in a small baggie. Even though it is made of cardboard, these small boxes are notorious for opening up and spilling their contents through your bag. I can't tell you how many times I had to fish out broken staple pieces to put in my mini-stapler or poked my finger on staples while digging for something else.
The stapler itself is definitely cute. It is a plastic panda shape. It is cheap, as are most items made like this. But it is cute and is actually stronger than I expected it to be. The print on it is not bad, as it actually looks like a panda, and it is not blotchy or mispainted. I have picked up similar items that had the painting a little off, out of the lines and shapes, etc. But not so with this one. It looks like it was made correctly.
And it staples just as it is intended to. As with many mini-staplers, it is a little noisy and takes a bit more pressure than your larger staplers, but it does the job and folds the metal staple ends over nicely without poking them all the way through the paper back to the front or bending the staple in the front (or worse, crimping the staple before it went throught the paper on both sides). It is working just the way it is supposed to!
I am pleased with the look, feel, and functionality of this little stapler. There isn't much more you can say about a stapler, so I will end it here with a note that if you need one, this is a great consideration.
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