This pedal is a little different than most as it is a compact pedal. This means that it does not have a spot for a battery and must be used with a power supply. To me this is a benefit, or at least not a negative in any way. Who would use a battery when there is always power at a gig that is much more reliable. The thing sounds very clean and get me to a great place in the gain world. I can tell you that at first I was not sure about what it could do, but it really gave me the boost I needed to make my Fender 65' Deluxe Reverb come to life. Fenders are clean and loud and instead of modding them to death until they distort, just drive the preamp a little harder and you get a beautiful distortion. That is exactly what this pedal does. Doesn't really change your tone, unless you want it to and that is how you get different flavors at the amp. Drive more bass, you get totally different harmonics that if you drive with treble. Flat is a balance, but there is something cool about extremes and that is why cranking the bass all the way up going into the amp is like a fire breathing dragon. Enjoy the pedal. It is great for a compact pedal board. Came with velcro and good instructions. Built really well. Smallish knobs, but nice switch.