I've been looking for a small portable bluetooth speaker for a while now. We go camping about once a month for a 3 day weekend. Listening to music on your phone wih a large group is not really feasable. This Lobkin speaker really packs a punch! Also, the fact that it's waterproof is a real help since my original reason for purchase was camping but after seeing how great this little guy is I may be buying more. Especially since I can connect my Amazon Alexa to it!
I was a little worried at first because it literally fits in the palm of my hand and it's not terribly heavy but once I got it connected I was really impressed. Finding the app in the Google Play store was a lot more of a challenge than installing and setting up the speaker. The app store kept showing me the ESPN app. If you type in "ESON x9" the app will come right up.
The sound is clear and the speaker turns up quite loud. It is really well made, a quality product. I highly recommend!
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