I have always wondered how tooth whitening strips worked, how they stayed in place, and whether it was worth trying. I just didn't want to pay the high prices on a set that I saw at the stores. I have seen them average anywhere between $25 to $40, way more than I want to spend on something that might or might not work. This product offers you a two week supply of whitening strips for a fraction of the price.
I was a bit taken back by the packaging of this product. It came in a cheapy cellophane wrapper with the flat box inside it, an instruction manual, and the individual foil packets of whitening strips. I don't know why the box wasn't assembled and the manual and product put inside before shipping. I wasn't expecting to see it shipped the way it did. Not the most professional approach to product delivery. The company has a great looking box and nice branding on the foil packets and box both, but the lack of assembling distracted me from all of this as I was a bit confused.
I have been using coconut powder to brush my teeth off and on for over a year now, and am a firm believer in the power of coconut for detoxing, cleaning the ick in your mouth, and whitening your smile. My husband commented on how much nicer my teeth were looking when I used the coconut powder consistently. But I was not consistent, since my dentist has given me prescription toothpaste to use. And I had NO clue how the coconut was able to do what it was doing. I just knew it worked. After a little looking around to confirm what the seller stated in one of the questions on their listing, coconut whitens by helping to remove the plaque and bacteria that builds up on your teeth causing them to appear yellow or dingy. Removing this also helps prevent tooth decay and helps fight gum disease, which is why I experienced improvement in pain when my mouth would start acting up and I would use the powder. This is all done through lauric acid, a saturated fatty acid that is about half of what constitutes coconut oil. It is also used for many medicinal purposes, which explains why so many people push the use of coconut for health purposes (and why it works so well in clearing up problems in my English Mastiff's ears).
In the foil packet you have a plastic piece that has two strips attached to it. One is longer than the other. The longer strip goes on the top teeth, the smaller strip on the bottom. You put the strip on your teeth matching the edge with the gum line, then wrap the remaining parts around the teeth to the back. They are very sticky, so you don't have to worry about them slipping or falling off. They are supposed to stay on your teeth for 60 minutes.
I did notice that it leaves a strange taste in my mouth while it is on. I think the coconut kind of oozes out from under the strips, and my mouth produces that much more saliva while these are on. The first time I wore them, my gums got a little irritated, so I wasn't able to wear them the full 60 minutes. I waited 2 days and then tried again. It didn't irritate my gums this time, but I made sure that the strip was not positioned where it might be over my gums and was only touching the teeth. The first strip was a major pain to remove. I was beginning to think I was never going to get it off, and once I did I felt the need to brush my teeth after to get the remaining gel adhesive off. I wasn't sure if it was because I only used it for about 5 minutes, or if that is how it works.
Since I am only on my 2nd strip aftering waiting for sensitivity to ease, I can't say if they are whitening or not yet. I still have another 12 treatments to go before I will know for sure, though the seller says you should see results within 7 days and that some people may see results after only a few treatments.
I DID have some concerns after using my 2nd strip, though. It honestly worried me I would have horrible looking teether. I was paranoid about people staring at me. After removing my 2nd strip, I had super white spots on my teeth, while the rest looked the same as they did before starting. I don't know why only certain portions of my teeth were spotted. And it was on the upper teeth only. My lower looked unchanged. I tried brushing, using charcoal powder, leaving it on my teeth for awhile, and nothing worked to change the white spots or make them blend in more. By the end of they day the bright white had faded to a slightly lighter shade than my teeth, so I wasn't as paranoid about my smile as I had been initially. It scares me to try again, though. I WILL try again and see if it makes any difference. I am hoping the rest of my teeth will eventually catch up to the spots I am getting, but we shall see. If there is no change by the 5th treatment, I am stopping.
If you are interested in whitening strips, but are like me and don't want to invest a huge amount on something that might not work, try this. And if you are not interested in the ones from the stores that are filled with chemicals, this is a more natural approach worth checking in to.
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