Purchased this as I find that the older I’m getting and as a courier working out in all weathers my hands feel weak and my knuckles ache
Looking online for something that might give me some relieve someone suggested looking at these
A finger exerciser that seems to be aimed at musicians however they want the same outcome as me... stronger hands so I purchased it and felt hopeful
It definately feels comfortable on the finger tips and can be adjusted so suitable for all needs and abilities
First time I used it I could barely do a few minutes without my finger just giving up
As time has gone on I’m a little better but still no where near where I want to be... It clearly works tho because as with most exercise the effects of the work out are felt a few days later
Still no pain no gain
I’ll get there .... it’s a great buy and great value
I now have one for my home and one in my bag so I can use it’s whenever I feel the need to do some exercising... it’s also quite good like a stress reliever kind of thing
Would recommend