When I saw these spatulas I thought they were cute and wanted them for my baking collection immediately. I loved the bright colors and look. I have a lot of scrapers and thinner spatulas, but these looked like they would have a thicker edge to them. I also have been wanting to switch much of my baking collection over to silicone, liking the way it works far better than the hard plastic or metal tools I had been using before.
And sure enough they do have a nice thick edge, but are also like many of my other silicone tools I have begun using - they have some bend and wiggle to them. They are a lot smaller than I thought they would be, so won't be the most effective at scraping bowls or mixing larger baked goods. But I HAVE used these already for scooping the contents out of cans for cooking dinner. They are far easier to use than a spoon from the silverware drawer, so I am pleased they are proving effective already. I also know they will come in handy when it comes time to mix up icing for cupcakes, which I will be baking tomorrow and spooning/scooping the icing in to piping bags.
You get five different spatulas in this set, each being about 8 inches long. They are made of FDA approved, food safe silicone and are heat resistant. You get orange, red, blue, green, and pink in the set. The spatula end is about 1 1/2 inches wide, so small enough to fit in cans, baking cups, etc. but still large enough to mix things easily.
I am very pleased with this set of spatulas and am glad I ordered them. I didn't think I would be able to use them when I saw the size, but am loving them now that I have put them to use.
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Get yours today! http://amzn.to/2FMs73y