These are perfect for the kids little ears! I love that they have adjustable velcro in the they fit the kids and adults!
She loves to fall asleep to music, and these are a very soft and thin fleece material. Very comfortable to sleep in!
I LOVE that they protect their ears with the volume being limited to 86 db! So nice knowing they cannot turn them up too loud and cause harm to their ears.
It is so easy to remove the speakers so you can wash it!
We charged up the rechargeable battery which took about 2 hours and 15 minutes. We were able to use the headphones for a little over 8 hours before we had to charge again!
I love that they can connect to bluetooth! Was so easy to pair! We listened to music, and also paired with the phone to take a call!
Has a very nice sound to it, but not too loud for the kids!
These are great for sleeping and traveling!
We are really enjoying these!