My 9 year old grandson went crazy for this toy! I ordered several for people in my family with anxiety but he just loves it. Made by CASOFU, this Tri-Spinner Fidget Toy is well made and good for lots of conditions. Comes in several colors and designs. It is made of heavy duty plastic and measures 3" by 3". There are 3 "arms" with a flat disc spinner in the middle. The bearings that make it spin are small and quiet. It spins easily either between your fingers or laying flat on the table. They spin a lot longer than I expected. He could make it spin for more than 3 minutes at a time. Even the little ones who are 4 and 5 where able to make it spin easily. It is relaxing to just sit and watch it go around and around. Use for stress relief, anxiety, ADHD or ADD, autism or just for fun. We had lots of fun with them and recommend them for lots of fun. #RankBoosterReview #Sponsored #CASOFU