Just Try & Be Surprised!

Verified Post by Michelle Catallo
Published on 27 Nov, 2018

Best Foot Care, Foot Pads, Footpads Help Remove Impurities, Relieve Stress and Improve Sleep 10pcs
Price: $13.99
My Rating
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4.39 / 5   (31 Reviews)

Okay, be honest! Have you thought about using those foot patches you have seen advertised?

I decided to try them out as part of my Sunday Spa Days last night and was surprised on a couple levels:

➡️ Bamboo Vinegar has a slightly pungent scent
➡️ The patches are really stiff; even after use.
➡️ Easy to apply and stayed on through the night.
➡️ The patches did not bother my sleep pattern.

☢️ Yep, the patches were black this morning. 
⚠️ Taking them off was slightly akin to removing a peel-off facial mask.....

☯️ Was it weird? Yes. Would I do it again? Yes.

The key to these, as with most items, is to follow the directions given to be able to get the benefits: Relaxation, toxin removal, promote blood circulation,and more. 

Price: $13.99

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