I bought this for my 8 year old daughter, as she has always wanted a real looking baby doll to play with. I was VERY impressed with this doll when we got it. He is a little heavy (like a baby) and would be great for sensory therapy! His limbs and head are a silicone material that is very flexible and soft. The body is also soft and cuddly. He has 3/4 arms and legs so the lower part of his arms and legs are silicone and the top half is the stuffed body fabric. His outfit is adorable and HE CAN fit into real baby size 0-3 infant clothes pretty perfectly. He comes with everything pictured including that adorable fluffy teddy bear, a sippy bottle cup, a blanket and the magnetic pacifier that sticks securely to his mouth which is so nice. We have had cheaper baby dolls whose magnets have slipped off the mouth or weren't strong enough to hold it there. That is not a problem with this doll! The baby has a full head of gplden blonde hair so it will not fool anyone into thinking that this baby is real if the hat is off. My daughter dressed her in some of her old baby clothes we had packed away and put a ribbon in her hair. Some days she likes this doll to be a boy and other days she likes it to be a girl. It looks great either way. She loves this baby so much and takes it everywhere. We always have people asking us about the doll when they see it.
I am 1000% pleased with this purchase and will get her another doll from this company soon!