I saw a video of a similar product to these and thought they were not only cute, but a great idea. When I saw these available for review, I went ahead and ordered them to test out. There are eight of them in a small zippered pouch container. Each is a different shape - lion, panda, dog, elephant, and more. They are definitely cute. But they are a PAIN to put on. I had a horrible time getting them around the cable and then sliding them up to the top. They are supposed to help keep your cables from seperating or breaking up where the cable meets the part that plugs in. I had almost no luck getting them slid up over that portion of my cable. But I finally got it. It just took a lot of time and effort - each time I put one on. I have used 2 of them now and helped my son use one, but we have since abandoned them on the cables. They kept sliding down and actually caused more damage on my cable than before I used it. They are not working out the way we had hoped they would, so I can't say I recommend these for protecting your cables. Cute, yes. Functional? Not really.
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