This potty seat is really cute and folds flat(ish) when not in use. I bought it for my 2 1/2 year old granddaughter who is begrudgingly learning to use the toilet. We are at the point where anything to encourage her is worth a shot. She LOVED this, until it came time to use it. I think she will use it very soon, and it is really cute. Assembly wasn't difficult, but the instructions are not translated. (I figured it out without much trouble, and had it put together in less than 15 minutes.) The quality seems rugged enough to serve it's purpose, but it probably won't last forever. *Caution- my granddaughter tried to move this and it shut on her fingers. It could have been much worse, but this should be corrected. (Perhaps I misassembled, since the instructions were useless to me.) #sponsored #Careshine #PottySeatWithLadder, #RankBoosterReview