I love bags and have soooo many in our house. I have so many bags I don't know what I will ever do with them all. I have bags in bags sitting next to bags of bags... But I had to pick up a few more. I already have this set in another color, but wanted to add to the collection (as if I needed more). I am also a highly organized person and like to keep things in specific places, contained. So I have bins and tubs, too. When it comes to packing or travel I always have my stuff in bags of one sort or another and these will add to making my life easier. They are not large, but are big enough to carry some items and help keep them all together. There are four mesh bags in this pack, each with a zippered enclosure and handles on the end, which I really like because I can carabiner them together in my suitcase and attach them to one of the inside hooks or bands to keep things from shifting too much. These are great bags for going to the beach and carrying things that might be wet and need to dry off after. They are good for putting shoes in to. There are many different ways you can use them. I am not too keen on the color, being more of a salmony orange, but they are not bad and I am not that picky when it comes to organizing things that I reject something functional based on color preference. I like these bags because they are not too large. They are midsize bags. Most bags and packing cubes I have gotten are all so much larger and I don't really feel I am seperating, organizing, or consolidating things because there is still so much room in the larger bag. But with these I can put just the smaller items in, then toss them in a larger bag and can easily find things when I need them. Great little mesh travel bags.
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