This was an absolute waste of money for me. Luckily I paid a fraction of the price they are asking normally, otherwise I would have been angry at being ripped off. Don't even bother trying these. They are individually sealed towelettes that you wipe on and within 4 hours you should be tanner. I opened one of my ten packets and pulled out the wipe. It wasn't super wet, but it definitely wasn't dry. I wiped it over one of my legs, from below the knee to above the ankle. I barely got my leg done and the wipe felt almost dry and worthless, like I was rubbing a used wipe across my leg for no reason. And nothing happened within the 4 hours. My skin looked exactly the same. I tried using another wipe over the same area. Again no results. I took another one and used it in one spot on my tummy above my belly button, since that part of my body gets no sun whatsoever and is the lightest so would show results the best. And still nothing. It was a total waste. Avoid this product and find something better to use if you want to have a tanned look.

See it here:
#RankBoosterReview #sponsored #thermalabs #tanning #selftanning #tanningtowelettes #wipeontan #sunlesstanner #dontbuy #wasteofmoney #doesntwork