I don't get out for manicures and pedicures very often and honestly don't recall when the last time I got one was. I have been doing my nails at home now for years thanks to tools like this. I have another nail care set that provides more intensive work - finer tipped tools designed for really cutting back acrylics and natural nails and cleaning out from under them with the small points. But that set does not do a good job of buffing and polishing over the tops of the nails after things are done. I wanted something I could run across the tops of my nails and toenails to even things out and make them uniform. I thought maybe this set would be better. This is also an electric set that is operated by 2 double A batteries. It has different speeds at which you can run it. I am not sure why they advertise it as a 9 in 1 system since you only get three polishing tools to put on it. And I had no luck finding where you could pick up the parts you don't get to complete the set (you would think if they were trying to make more money by selling them seperately they would have at least included the link to buy them). There isn't much more you can do other than use the three different levels of grit on the polishing heads. It didn't really help me even out my nails like I had planned, but did a great job of prepping them to paint. So I can't say I would recommend this as a nail care set if you plan to do your own nails from home since you don't have all the tools you need to effectively manage the work you need to do. But the tools you do get are all good and do a great job. So it IS a good tool, just not a complete 9 in 1 system like advertised.
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