I picked up this set for my nephew to play with while at my house for the Fourth of the July with little missie. I thought they would have a blast with it, and I was right! It was a great investment of less than $10 that brought lots of laughs and giggles for a 4 year old and nearly 2 year old.
The pins are small and a good size for little hands to pick up. They are super light weight, though, so fall over very easy. It was a pain to set them up correctly because if one was bumped the whole set fell. And the bottoms are not the flatest, making it even more challenging to set them up. I had trouble setting the whole thing up, so you can imagine how a young child would struggle since developmentally they don't have the fine motor skills to balance things and be still enough to position them.
But they sure had fun trying! And every time one would fall they would squeal and laugh like it was the funniest thing in the world. I don't know if they were able to set them up once on their own, but they were entertained for quite some time trying and knocking them down. And when my 11 year old tried to help them out, they had more fun knocking over everything. It was hilarious to watch.
I have been very pleased with this set, though it is so light weight and falls over so easily. The kids have loved playing with it, and it is not super noisy when things hit and fall, though the squealing and laughing definitely is!
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