I typically rely on my sister, who is a beautician, to cut my hair and care for my family. But I do trim my own bangs and have been trimming little missie's bangs, too. I picked up a set of barber's scissors not long ago and have used them a lot - so much so that they are now dulling and I don't know how to sharpen them correctly. (Something else I will need to rely on my sister to help with since she knows.) I decided to pick up another set for us to have at home so that we have the ones I have been using, plus a spare set. This set has the scissors, the thinning shears (which I am definitely not going to be using and will probably pass on to my sister), 2 alligator clips to hold things back, a small cloth to clean them with, and a case that holds it all when you are not using them. The scissors are definitely sharp and work great for trims. It is amazing how much better they work than your typical scissors you pick up in the craft section or office section of your major stores. They definitely make a difference when trimming and cutting hair. I refuse to use other scissors at this point, preferring to use the ones designed specifically for hair. These work great and are exactly what I was looking for! A great set overall though I won't use half of it!

Get yours here: https://amzn.to/2lhzaI4
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