I have more jewerly than I will ever wear. But I can't pass up a good deal, and definitely can't pass up a cute bracelet like this. I had to add it to my overflowing collection of beads and baubles.
I love the style of this bracelet. It wraps around your wrist and stays in place. No having to worry about it coming undone or falling off. I have another black bracelet that I got recentlly that I get tons of compliments on, but I have to be careful because it has a magnetic clasp and tends to be knocked off easily if I bump it just right. Not so with this bracelet. It is one continuous piece, wrapping around your wrist a few times, with no ends to clasp together.
It does not pinch, it doesn't snag on things, and it looks great. I don't like the gold beading on it, preferring silver to gold, but I have still worn it and think it looks good. I just have to find other jewelry that is not silver to match to it when wearing this.
There are different colors you can get, so you can easily find one that matches your style and preferences. I tend to wear things that have a lot of black, so try to keep mostly black accented jewelry or silver tones. This has different styles of beads, all different styles, with gold accenting. It is definitely pretty.
I love how it looks and feels, so am thinking maybe I might pick up another bracelet or two in different colors to add a little more variety to my mass collection of mostly black and silver. Definitely a nice bracelet that gets lots of compliments.
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Get yours here: https://amzn.to/2ynoVIu