There are 12 candles and they are 100% natural beeswax candling cones with a natural honey scent , you get 6 protective disks with the set . This is a natural and organic way to unblock the ears , all you do is Insert the candle through the protective disc, light the candle and place the unlit end in your ear
Once in place, twist the candle until the user can hear it burning from within their ear
The burning process takes around 15 minutes or until the flame reaches the line marked on the candle.
When this happens, extinguish the flame in a glass or bowl of water and take notice of the amount of wax that has been removed from the ear as it will be attached to the other end.
If you think you have no wax in your ears , I think you will be very suprised to see what comes out and just think if you let it build up you may end up with hearing loss , pain and a trip to the doctors .
,for more information please click the link below