I got this tool set for my daughter & grandson to play with & they both absolutely love it! It comes with a bunch of play tools & is perfect for younger kids.
It was extremely easy to put together, only taking a few mins to assemble. Despite this, it’s actually really good quality & stays together quite well.
My favorite thing about this set is that the drill makes sounds. It literally lit my daughters face up when she realized it made sounds similar to a real drill.
This set also includes a hammer, wrenches, little nuts & bolts, as well as a measuring tape that rolls out like a real one. My grandson loves this! He pulls out his tools & mimics what we do; it’s the cutest little thing.
It’s a great price & perfect for a smaller home. It’s not huge like your typical little tykes or step 2, making it more ideal for an inside toy.
Of course, it’s not like the huge ones, but a very good alternative.
I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for an inside toy for their little Ms. Or Mr. fix it!
Such a cute little tool set!