Oh goodness my faithful roomba broke all of a sudden 2 weeks ago, despite trying so hard to repair it it was something I couldn't fix so I started looking for an alternative. I'm a full time worker with 2 jobs side projects too and my niece and nephews to look after ontop of that. My time has to be organised else everything falls into chaos and nothing gets done. That is why the robotic vacuum is so important in my home. I like a clean organized home, that is welcoming at all.times bit lived in. My way of doing things enables that but I need certain things to achieve it.
So I was on the hunt for a vacuum and not wanting to spend the same I did before for less than 3 years service I found this. Initially I was so disappointed I kept hearing the vacuum is hung up please remove it to another location and press play..... Aaarrrhhhhh!!!!! What a waste of money I thought. So I began problem solving as it was a new rug is thought it might just need foot traffic to make it less springy...so I vacuumed it with the Dyson and tried again. It was happier and since that day has provided me with nothing but a great service. It runs for 2 hours docks itself and charged well. I'm surprised the ount of things it's collected my home is certainly very clean now and the remote adds the benefit of me being able to sit and work while I press a button and hoover the house!!!
Now my issue spares you have to contact the company directly to obtain them!. I need to get a new three strands brush wheel after only a week as it is looking worse for wear, batteries I was worried that it'll cost a fortune when the replacement time comes and the brush bars well we'll see in 3 months time. I like to plan the cost or replacement parts before I buy but I couldn't on this occasion time will tell if it's value for money or not. I'll keep you updated
For now I'm enjoying my robotic friend