Okay so I purchase these insoles because I have plantar fasciitis so I have a lot of Fleet issues. I would not say that a person dealing with those issues this would be the best solution but for someone who does not have a lot of foot issues this these and souls would be a good purchase. The worship really quickly of course because it was Amazon Prime. They are well packaged and then as far as fitting into your shoe they're easy to cut down to fit the shape of the shoe that you're trying to use the man. I know that it says there for people with plantar fasciitis but maybe somebody just starting to experience those issues but not a person who is well within the having a lot of issues with it I don't think that they would be good for that but for a little basic yeah I think they would be good currently I'm maintaining and I'm just making sure I buy the right shoes or whatnot so this definitely helps I use them in my extra pair of shoes I have a regular pair of doctor prescribed insoles for the shoes I wear daily so.