The product description states that this set is for kids ages one through four years of age My daughter just turned seven years old and it fits her fine. Her head is 20 inches in circumference. We chose the pink color which is not currently offered any longer. The set is two-toned in shades of dark and light pink. The hat has a large pom pom on top and an embroidered logo which looks to similar to a box of kid sized fries from McDonald's but with a W instead of an M or maybe it is an upside down M (to avoid any copyright infringements). The scarf has a fringed tassel detail at the bottom and the gloves are striped. The gloves have an elastic wrist for a super snug fit. The scarf is about four feet long and the gloves are five-and-one-half inches from fingertip to wrist.
We live in an area where it doesn't really get that cold and rarely ever snows so this set is perfect for her. It is lightweight and very soft. My daughter really likes this set and says it is comfortable.