When I ordered these bowls, I actually ordered them for my daughter's use when she is trying to plant plants. She's only 3, so she makes quite the mess when she's trying to make her flowers come to life. But when I received these bowls, I realized that there was a much better use for the balls.
I very often make dishes that I watch on the tasty app, and they always look so good that I have to make them myself. Most of their meals take a lot of different ingredients to make. Before I got these bowls, I really didn't have a set of bowls that I could use to measure out the ingredients for whatever meal that I was making and where I would have the ingredients ready when it's time to add them to whatever mixture that I had going. But once I got these bowls and realized how good they would be on the tasty recipies or any other recipes for that matter, I started measuring out ingredients so I could have them ready to add quickly to whatever dish I was making just like they do on the tasty app. Well, mine was a little bit slower to get going but I'm getting pretty quick at it now. Anyway, these bowls are perfect for measuring ingridients that you're going to make into a meal. They are easy to wash, and easy to store because they only take up the space of one bowl and nest inside each other so they're probably the most easy to store cookware in your kitchen. They're also good for someone with arthritis in their hands, like me, because they're so light in weight and so easy to hold on to without causing pain so they are perfect for people with arthritis or some other type pain in their hands. Anyway, thank you so much for the excellent bowls.
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