I keep a lot of things under my bed, as do the boys. I thought maybe using under bed storage bags like these might be better for keeping things clean and organized. But now that I have them I am not so sure. I thought they felt a little flimsy and cheap. They are soft sided so they collapse and can be folded up when you are not using them. But I worry about them being ripped open by something under the bed, by the bed itself, by the cat or dogs, or something. I also know my tendency to overstuff things and cram more in to them than they are capable of holding resulting in bursting, breaking, and destruction. I don't think these can hold up to the cramming that I would attempt to give them. I think they would be better if they were thicker and made a material that can't rip and tear, something stronger and more durable to withstand abuse and overfilling, as well as something that might be waterproof. I do like the clear windows that are randomly placed throughout the sides since the bags are large and you can't see through them. The clear windows are good so that you can easily see what is inside and determine if that is the one you want to open up and search through. Of course, all of the complaints and worries I mention are all addressed on their Amazon listing, but I still think there is room for improvement. I do think they are decent bags and should be fine for things we don't need access to often, but I am not sure I would buy them again.

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