We have been foster parents for about 6 years now and are at a point where we are looking at stopping since we are adopting soon. We want to give her a normal life without all of the appointments, visits with bio parents, and other requirements of fostering, so plan to stop. But she is only 20 months right now, so we still have a lot of babyproofing to do, especially now that she is walking and getting in to everything. We have always had our home babyproofed, some things in place even before we began fostering (child locks on cabinets to keep the cats out, baby gates in the hallway to keep the dogs in the rooms we were in, etc.). Recently we needed to pick up some new baby locks for our cabinets in the kitchen, since they were very well used and were not staying latched properly. I saw these and thought they might be different than the typical ones we have.
The package comes with as assortment of pieces and instructions for how to install. I love the fact that they require no tools. No drilling, no holes to patch later, no mess. They all have 3M tape adhesive on the back to help hold them in place, and to date, anything with 3M tape has always been great for holding things and has never slipped or come loose. I had no doubt these would meet our needs, as well as be super simple to install.
They are easy to use. You simply pull the tape backing off, stick in place, line up the other piece, stick it in place, and tada! You are done! I love the fact that they are easy to use and you can't see them! From the outside, the cabinets look exactly the same. But they don't open. Unlike the traditional types of cabinet locks that allow you to pull the cabinet open slightly (and possibly smoosh little fingers in them), these don't budge. They stay shut until you need to get in to them.
My only concern is that we will lose the magnet key to open them and then be stuck with no way to get in to our cabinets. There is only one magnet key in the package, which we have stuck to our refrigerator so that we don't lose it, and I worry that if we lose it or misplace it somewhere, we are stuck. I have not yet tried to see if another strong magnet will help open things or not, but think that may be a solution if we do misplace it. But it is still a worry I have.
You also get some plug inserts, too, to keep your electric outlets safe from little fingers. There were quite a few of them in this set, but they feel flimsier than others I have used. I worry the plastic prongs might break off in the outlets and cause more problems than not using them. But we shall see!
All of that said - these are super strong magnet locks that work great. Baby has no way of getting in and it has even confused the 11 year old and 13 year old until I showed them how to get in. It was great! I am very pleased with this set and highly recommend it to parents of young children.
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