
Verified Post by Ami Vanderhoff
Published on 08 Nov, 2017

DrowseBuster Anti-Anxiety Fidget Spinner Toy For Kids & Adults - Sensory Anxiety Reducing Fiddling Toy With Si3N4 Ceramic Bearing - For ADHD, Autism, ADD, Nail Biting & Attention Disorders
Price: $6.99
My Rating
Avg. Rating
4.65 / 5   (31 Reviews)

It works perfectly. Spinns smoothly. It has spinning spots in 4 different places. the center spot allows you to spin in 1 hand with 1 or 2 fingers. Something to occupy my hands as i am trying to break some nasty habbits (smokeing.) It does give my hand something to do and then i forgoet why i picked it up to begin with and it has helped me cut back alot. And when i am not useing it I catch the kids grabbing it and just spinning and dong silly tricks and having fun. I will need to get more! #Rankboosterreview #Sponsored #DrowseBuster

Price: $6.99



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