We got sooo many laughs from this Santa costume set when I had the boys come help model it for me. I have never laughed so hard in all my life. The wig and beard are super curly and bright snowy white. They don't look like most old man wigs or some of the ones I have seen other Santas wear before. And the glasses that come with it are perfect for completing the look. I have no clue what we will ever do with these, but since my oldest is in drama I figured it was good to grab for him. I am sure there are many opportunities for him to wear them. He said they would have been pefect for Halloween and his crazy scientist costume he wanted to wear and I agree. Even if he just wore the wig, it would have been the perfect look to go with his lab coat. I am all about finding great costume pieces and the boys quickly took this to their room to add to the drawer of costume items for future use. Both are saying they want to dress up as Santa Claus next year for Halloween!
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