Body Support and Weight loss help

Posted by Daura Hamilton
Published on 16 Jul, 2017

Waist Cincher Sets and Gift of Magic Paste
Price: $14.99
My Rating
Avg. Rating
5.00 / 5   (1 Reviews)

I purchased the beige color Waist Cincher Set as I wanted to have the actual back support without wires or anything that would bind up my skin. I like that does come with the Magic Paste and that the magnets do get warm on the skin. My goal is to tone up more, but with better body posture and with the support of the Waist Cincher Set it is more of a push to do so. Sitting straight up or standing straight up when exercising feels so much better. The beige color will go well under most of my clothing and it really is not noticeable under them so it does fit and hide well. If you are looking for body support, a great way to add to burn body fat and to actually tone up wearing this, then I would suggest purchasing it. For me working in the health industry before wearing it is not a hindrance at all, but more of one that is appreciated for the support and what it can accomplish by way of weight loss.

Price: $14.99



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