The drawstring ripped out of the first bag I used, but it must have been an anomaly. I continued to use the product because there are 180 bags in the box, and I didn't want to waste them. I'm glad I did. Over the last few months, I have become more and more confident in their strength and quality. Among other things, I now use them to collect clumping kitty litter in a small covered waste container. The container controls odor well, and I can keep a few days worth of used kitty litter (for one cat) in it before I close the bag and throw it away. These bags have never torn, and other than the first one, neither have the drawstrings. I admit, I don't swing them around while walking the bag full of soiled kitty litter to the trashcan outside, but I no longer fear they are going to rip and drop litter clumps on the floor. I went from hate to love with these bags
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