I can not wait to see my oldest grandson (age 13), face at Christmas when he opens this Pocket size Compass. He loves the outdoors, spends as much time as he can outdoors, going in the woods, exploring, hunting, so this compass is the perfect gift for him.
A couple of great things about this compass is the fact that it will glow-in-the-dark and is also waterproof. Most compassess do not have both of these features, they usually have just one or the other.
I feel like everyone should have a compass and be able to read one, you never know when you might be in a situation that a compass could actually assist in saving your life. Whether you camp, hike, go fishing, hunting, or go out in the woods, you really need to have a compass.
The metal appears to be solid and the top flips open at the notch easily. There is a hook at the top that you can easily put something through it to hook it on your belt, a backpack or any bag.
A great gift for anyone and I do recommend this particular compass.