Not too long ago my husband told me he couldn't find our knife sharpener. I needed a new one and I picked this one up since it had different options. I loved the fact that you can sharpen not only your regular kitchen knives, but also the specialty knives like paring knives and such, as well as scissors.
It is a little larger than I expected it to be, but works great. I had no trouble figuring out how to use it, though there were instructions included in the packaging. And I was able to easily and quickly sharpen all of my knives and scissors, some of which were desperately in need of sharpening.
Better than that, we have a variety of pocket knives for Boy Scouting purposes and every campout (which happens every month) the boys have to spend time sharpening and prepping them. We have a whet stone for them to use, but it doesn't seem to be working the greatest, and it took some time for them to learn how to use it properly. Having this makes it so much easier. They had a campout last weekend and used it before going. After they got home I had them sharpen their knives again just to be sure they are ready for the next month's campout. Worked wonderfully for them! So much easier than using the whet stone.
Definitely well worth the investment, which wasn't much at all. I highly recommend this, though it is larger. It still fits in the kitchen knife drawer without taking up a huge amount of space.
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