My son has been begging me to get him one of these Kalimba Mbiras, or as he puts it - a cool finger piano. He has long admired the different items offered by Mugig and when he first saw this on their site, began asking me to get one for him. I was super excited to finally have the opportunity to pick it up for him. And he has played it nonstop since it came in. He keeps asking me when we will do the video review with it because he has practiced enough to figure out some songs on it and wants to show off on camera!
I was thrilled by everything you got in the package. Not only do you have the musical instrument, but you also get a protective bag for it, a tuning hammer, and instructions with a music book. This is perfect for beginners because it has everything a beginner needs to start learning how to play it.
I was also impressed with the overall look and sound. The box is beautiful (the instrument itself, not the packaging). It is a gorgeous color and has delicate etched designs on it that give it a very attractive look. The construction of the bridge and metal levers are well done and none were loose, crooked, or misplaced. The tuning was spot on. We checked it against a tuner we have and it was perfect, which is great for right out of the box after travel. I appreciate the tuning hammer, as you never know when you will need one. The music book was easy to read and within minutes my son was able to begin playing songs that sounded like songs, not just him plucking away at it.
This is the perfect way to entertain the music lover in your home. My oldest is a self-taught guitar player who wishes he had stuck with band in junior high and who wants to learn to play more instruments, but he lacks the ability to read music. He has enjoyed being able to make music with this and walks around the house with it, constantly playing. He has had no trouble learning how it works and how to read the music included, and in the past day or so has begun making up his own songs with it. My youngest is in band currently, so is learning to read music so has some understanding, but has also had no trouble learning how to play it. Both of them are loving it, and the tone is clear and beautiful, so I don't mind listening as they fiddle with it.
As a mom who was also a musician, I love knowing my kids are enjoying a musical instrument and being creative. If you have a musician in your life, or a wanna be musiciain, this is the perfect gift and one that won't hurt your ears or drive you nuts (coming from a mom who has listened to the learning process with guitar, ukelele, trumpet, alto sax, and viola). Definitely worth checking out!
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