My Great Granddaughter is always wanting someone's phone. She sees everyone around using their phones so it's only natural. I don't mind her playing with mine but, her mother does.
When I saw this toy phone I knew it would be a great gift. It plays music, helps teach colors and numbers in English.
She loves having a phone that makes sounds just like everyone else. It's easy to carry with her so in the car or out to eat. Anywhere you would take your phone the kids can take this phone. They won't ever feel left out again.
If you order you will receive a random color my Great Granddaughter received pink which I was fine with. Everyone always has a unique phone case on their phone anyway so color wasn't an issue. It has large buttons for little fingers and is easy to hold.
If you want a great educational toy that offers lots of fun this is it. The phone makes a great anytime gift. It is available on Amazon from IEnkidu so check it out it's great.
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