This is one of those items that you don't want to find out if it really does what it says it does! I actually have another smaller ENGPROOF document bag and was impressed with the quality of it and when I saw this larger one, I thought it would be nice to have for my larger documents.
This is a high-quality silicone coated fireproof bag with a sturdy zipper. It measures 12.6 x 8.1 x 0.8 inches. The product description claims that it resists heat to 1022 Fahrenheit. I hope that I never find out if that is really true! It also claims that it is water resistant. I did splash water on the bag and saw that the water formed beads on the silicone material so this was reassuring.
I actually like the document bag because of it's thickness and overall good quality so I am using it to put some important larger documents and letters in for safekeeping in a locked box. You can see this document bag here:
#RankBoosterReview #discounted #ENGPOW #fireproofbag #safebag