I have seen a lot of these dental doy toys lately and thought maybe it would be good for my dogs. I admit to being horrible when it comes to dental hygiene for my dogs. I know I should have started it with both of them as pups, but I failed to do that at the time and now it is too late. We have tried using doggie toothpaste and long handled toothbrushes, as well as the finger brushes. But our dogs are not receptive and fight it too much. So I have relied on dental treats and neglected it any further than that. No dog mom shaming, please. I realize it is not the best. Thus this toy. I got it hoping that they would like chewing on it and it would help break loose any bits and pieces from their teeth, especially those ones further back that they don't like me messing with. But after their initial excitement over getting a new toy, this one quickly lost its appeal. They just do not like chewing on it. They haven't found much to like about it and have ignored it entirely. I even tried smearing some dental gel on it to help since they like the flavor, as well as trying things like a small smear of peanut butter. Nothing. This is just not working for us. And in addition to that, watch out if you have teenagers in the house because I cannot begin to tell you the laughing and snickering that has gone on when they show it to their friends. I admit it DOES look a bit odd. I have seen sex toys of similar shapes offered on the various review sites, and my boys have laughed at this because of it. While these types of dental tools may work for some dogs, this is not one that is working for mine.

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