I picked up this small stainless steel tray hoping it would help with decluttering a little. I thought maybe having a small tray like this on the counter or table would help with giving us a place to put all of the small items, keys, etc. Since I like having silver items around, almost as much as wrought iron, I thought it would look nice.
It was definitely a lot smaller than I thought it would be, though. I was a bit shocked at the size. I guess I should have read the description better to get a more realistic understanding of the size. It looks so much larger in pictures. I was hoping for something far larger than this turned out to be, but it is still working for me.
It is also super lightweight. I know it is not a silver platter, so don't expect it to be heavy. But this is very cheap feeling. It is definitely not as high of quality as I had hoped. I was really a disappointment, honestly.
And the sticker on the bottom is horrible. I read reviews by others that said they coulnd't get the sticker off. It left a horrible residue behind from the adhesive. I haven't even tried to peel mine off since luckily it was placed on the bottom, not on the top. Some said it was placed on the top and it couldn't be used with the sticker or after it was removed before the sticky residue refused to come off. Glad I am not in that situation.
I have this plate sitting on my nightstand now and keep smaller items in it that used to just lay on the nightstand, things like my hair rubber bands or clips that I forget to take off at night before bed and then toss on the nightstand when I realize they are still in my hair, earrings I may remove and not put in the jewelry box, etc. It works fine for those purposes and looks nice, thought it feels cheap. When it is sitting there it looks like a higher quality plate. But looks can be deceiving.
If you are looking for a high end silver looking plate, this is not it. I am fairly certain it won't tarnish or corrode, given the feel of the material. But it isn't going to be something you would want to use with guests or have out where people might move it or touch it unless you don't mind looking like you buy cheaper items for your home. It would be a good dish for feeding pets from or maybe small children, but I can't imagine my kids eating off of silver platters....