I recently picked up another action camera with a ton of different accessories, but no case, and was extremely impressed at its performance and quality. It was also a WeyTy, but a little lower cost than this one. I saw this one and decided I had to have it, too. It has great reviews on Amazon and I honestly don't care to purchase a GoPro, so I am more than willing to try out the offbrand types and see how they work, especially when they have such high reviews.
I was just as impressed by this camera and all of the attachments in this box as I was with the first camera. It came with a ton of attachments that I have absolutely NO clue how to use or what they are for.... You get bases, clips, brackets, hotshoes, safety ropes, cable ties, and more. You get all of this in addition to the camera itself, the waterproof case, a spare battery, AND the case to carry it all in. I am not used to seeing a camera come with extra batteries and was excited when my first camera came with TWO! The only thing I did not see included with this is the micro SD card that you need for memory, but given everything else you get, a card is a drop in the bucket.
There are many ways you can use this camera. The batteries can give you at least 1 full hour of high def video, which is great. It can record at night, though I don't think it is the clearest. I still prefer using a light with night and low light recording. It can be mounted and used as a dash cam. It can be worn on your helmet, on your bike handlebars, on a hotshoe and used with a tripod. It can take pictures or videos, can do wide shooting, can do time lapsed and slow motion. And it works with an app that you can download.
And honestly the videos and pictures we were able to capture using this were great. I am not sure I want to use this for my own personal vlog types of videos or reviews, but I am sure we will be using it when we go cycling, hiking, camping, and on other adventures. I am sending one of these cameras to summer camp with my younger son, and keeping the other here for my older son to use as he does other activities and works this summer as an apprentice woodworker. I am sure his boss will love being able to share the videos of them customizing the furniture they do. It will be a great asset to their marketing efforts.
This is definitely a great option for an action camera. I am VERY happy with what we got and look forward to seeing all of the adventures captured by my kids. If you are looking for a good quality video camera or something to take some great still shots, action shots, or to mount to a drone or yourself, this is a great option to consider. I love the fact that it is such a great price and you get so much with it. I wish I had picked up one far sooner than now.
Don't pass this one by! It is well worth it!
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