I really like this! And so does my grandson's. One just turned 5, I had this put away and packaged it up for one of his birthday gifts. He immediately stopped participating in his birthday party and couldn't wait to start putting these together. He did a wonderful job with the smaller vehicle's despite the fact there were no instructions enclosed and he was going by looking at the photos. Totally amazed me as this was his very first time working with so many pieces. Everything was in place, rolled and functioned properly. However grandpa had to help when my grandson wanted to go further and make the tall robot so again by looking at the photos on the box he did great with grandpa's help, at the end "something" went wrong and there are 2 wheels left over that were supposed to be at the front top but doesn't appear to be enough room for them. This is where grandma comes in lol as it's driving me crazy although everything functions correctly, it rolls, it stands on it's own (it's quite big in height) the siren works. Everything is great except those 2 wheels! I'll give the boys a few days to enjoy playing with the robot itself but before they are changed back into the small single rescue vehicles grandma's gonna put those 2 wheels on. I've truly enjoyed watching the enthusiasm of my grandson (s) and husband taking on of this project. The outcome is really nice! The robots arms etc can bend and be repositioned. There's no resistance while rolling it around while playing, it hasn't fallen over despite it's weight and height. Very nice as single vehicles or the huge robot. Best of all is that it's a toy that will continue to intrigue my grandson's. I would absolutely not hesitate to purchase this again. Makes a special unique gift with high quality parts. 10/10
#StemToys #Rescue Robot #EDPOFUL